Monday, December 20, 2010

Twisted Sisterhood

Hello, all! I am trying a NEW approach. A blog discussion about a book. I just read this:

And I think it is a really important book. I am declaring it January's book, to be discussed by comments on this post. {Feel free to organize a formal meeting, of course. But I will be in London, so I won't be joining!}
Go ahead and Google the book to find out more, but please make a point to read this book! It is about very important issues that I KNOW we have all dealt with.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dear Totally Booked,

I am sorry we have neglected you. But 2 of us got married this summer, one of us moved to New York... we're all over the place! Now that fall is approaching, we want to kiss and make up. Ok? We'll have a bunch of new members, and even more opportunity to discuss the things we LOVE!! (Books are only one of our interests, as you might have noticed.)

Totally Booked is BACK! And we're reading THE HELP for September. Reply to this post, or post on our BRAND-NEW facebook page to tell us what day works best for a meeting!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

and the slacker award goes to...

Yesterday I was informed that I am a BIG TIME BLOG SLACKER. What is my deal? I would apologize but I've been neglecting my personal blog too so I don't feel all that bad.

I think Amanda was right... March book club was a success.

We ate delicious food - compliments of Rumbi's Island Grill

We {sort of} discussed the book - but ended up talking about the author and his pathetic child-loving life instead.

and... we talked about lingerie.

Now really, wouldn't you call that a successful night?

Unfortunately, I forgot to take picture of this month's decor. Just imagine a table full of flowers in all colors, bowls of candy, teapots on candle stands and glass bottle sodas that said "drink me". I think Alice woul have been proud.

APRIL Book Club

Sorry if it seems like I am the only one blogging...
But I am.

March was a success, but I will let Annie post pictures and discuss it since she hosted again.  If you missed it, you missed the fastest-ever decision made by Totally Booked:
The decision for April's book.

In about 20 seconds, with a unanimous vote (ok, some were apathetic), we agreed to read AN EDUCATION by Lynn Barber.

Details to follow, but get a copy of the book and get reading!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

We Read It: They're Filming It

Guess which of our Totally Booked choices is being made into a major motion picture?

Water For Elephants.  Here are some links with a bit more information:

What do you think of that?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alice's Adventures with Totally Booked

Today, I bought this:

I have been looking forward to our Alice party for a while now, and I couldn't resist this hot pink edition of Carroll's famous tale.

Then Annie called me.  She has an idea so wacky, so creative, the Cheshire Cat probably helped her create it (I jest: her grandpa, along with her dad, gave her the idea).  And I got even MORE excited.

So folks, March book club will be held

 7 pm
534 South 500 West

**Please bring a blank canvas**
You can purchase them at any craft store, and any size will do
And Bring Friends! 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February Book Club Tea Party Event

Did you see those pictures?!@#$  You are so kicking yourself if you didn't come to Annie's to discuss Jane Austen and marriage.  We even took a quiz to determine which female Jane Austen character we are, and which male Jane Austen character we are meant to be with.  How fun!!!

So now that the bar is really high... prepare yourselves (and I do mean prepare) for March's long-awaited Alice In Wonderland event.  What to expect?  A white rabbit?  A mad tea party?  The Queen of Hearts?  Painting some roses red?  ...Drugs?

Come!  And find out!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our book club is better than your book club

There is nothing better than good food, good friends, and good books and when all three come together it is sure be a good night. Oh, and don't forget good decorations... 

Here is a snippet of what you missed if you were unable to make it to book club this month

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pleased to Announce...

Annie Cobabe together with the members of Totally Booked
are pleased to annouce the engagement of their friend 
and fellow book clubber

Eliza Jane Richards 
Jeffrey Monson

Monday, February 15th
Down on one knee 
at Orchid Dynasty

I am so happy for you both

Sunday, February 14, 2010


the world's most famous love story

...and they lived happily every after
the end

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dibs On Jane

Since we will be reading Jane Austen books for the lovey-dovey month of February, perhaps it would be wise to sort of "call" one?
Catie is reading Persuasion
Rebecca is reading Pride & Prejudice
Annie and Eliza are reading Emma
Amanda is reading Northanger Abbey

Sunday, January 24, 2010

a congratulations in order

this beautiful girl...

is engaged to...

 creating annie and raymo!

they got engaged on nov 20th, to be wed this summer!

more of this story COMING SOON...

the reads


September: Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen

October: The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

November: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

December: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

January: Book of Choice

Eliza Jane's pick

Amanda's pick
 Annie's pick

Rebecca's pick

Catie's pick

Saturday, January 23, 2010

TOTALLY BOOKED est. 7.23.2009

hello blogworld!
we are small little group of charming girls who decided to be grown-up
and start a book club.
we are all very different, which makes the book list nice, and makes the choosing hard,
but we all love to read!
anyone is welcome to join, we'd love to have you!
assuming we all continue to do and go amazing places,
this blog will help us keep connected.
for more information e-mail TOTALLY BOOKED at busybooking{at}!